Achieving and Success Mindset

Achieving and Success Mindset How would it be if whatever you set out to achieve is achieved and you become successful?  Would you like to know how to do it all the time?   You don’t have to run behind success. You become successful as an outcome of doing something and that something is achieving. […]

Love Mindset

Love Mindset Are You Trading With Love Frequency? Does Love need a reason? Love definitely needs the presence of an external environment, so does any emotion. But what it does not need is a justification. If you google Love, it says – Love is great interest and pleasure in something. An Intense feeling of deep […]

Desire Mindset

Desire Mindset Are You Trading What You Desire?   Do You have desires? Do you strive to fulfill it? Or do you believe Desire is the root cause of all Evil.   Let’s examine If desire is the source of misery and if so,how should one alienate it from one’s life? As per Rig Veda […]


Give2RECEIVE How many of you think that, If I am a good person I have to give more? We have grown up with values that tell us that our hand should always and always be that of giving hand. Does it mean receiving is not good? Or is receiving not as important as giving?   […]

Do you feel that you always seem to miss opportunities? 

Do you feel that you always seem to miss opportunities? I have heard this quote many a times “ Opportunities are like sunrises, if you wait too long you miss them”.  How does the world look to you through different phases of your life?  For instance to me at the age of 6 or 7 […]

Do you think that you are making money at the cost of Someone Else? 

Do you think that you are making money at the cost of Someone Else? The popular thoughts on markets are that it is risky, it is a gamble, one needs lots of money, deep knowledge to succeed in the market. While some of these thoughts are more myths but the fact remains that the markets […]

Five things to keep in mind while intra-day trading

Five things to keep in mind while intra-day trading Intra-day trading is a process of remaining very active in the markets every single trading day. It’s a technique of buying and selling in short term time frames ranging from a minute to an hour.  People who trade using intra-day techniques spend their whole time in […]

Ways to Build and Deploy Trend Trading Systems

Ways to Build and Deploy Trend Trading Systems When the price of an asset increases or decreases steadily, it gives rise to a trend. Leveraging these movements of an asset’s value and selling or buying stocks as the market shifts to make a profit is called trend trading. Being in trend is not everyone’s cup […]

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