Don’t Do This!!

Don’t Do This!! Don’t do what I did in Tata Motors! Tata Motors one of my favourite scrips for trend following system which I have been done for more than five years now. It has never let me down at the end of it in these five years. I don’t think I will stop doing […]


THE LACK MINDSET AND TRADING Everyone in the trading circles always talks about what one should have.. but do you know what one shouldn’t have? The positive mindset, the right strategy, right trading plan, right association, right risk reward ratio can put your trading on a FastTrack mode. But today we are going to talk […]

The Fire!!!

The Fire !!! “End is extremely near” this statement holds true when it comes to financial planning. Often, I keep hearing MONEY is the problem, is it really? Let us understand more;   We work hard to earn money and always want to save more and earn more. Many of us lose money due to a bad […]

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