Confirm Phone Number (Put Same Number, You Entered for Step One)
Your Current Profession Select Your ProfessionBusiness OwnerSenior Manager/ExecutiveEntrepreneur, InvestorSelf-employed ProfessionalOther (Please specify)
Your Designation
Annual Income Bracket
Select Your Annual Income5-10L INR10-15L INR15-25L INR25L+ INR
Are you currently involved with Stock Markets? If yes, please provide details (e.g., trading, investing)
How long have you been trading/investing?
--Select Option--Less than 1 year1-3 years3-5 years5+ years
What is your Trading Style? BeginnerOnly InvestingScalping/Intra-daySwing TradingPositional TradingTrend Trading
Capital Deployed for Trading/Investing
--Select Option--Beginner Less than 5L5-10L10-20L20L+
Which Instruments do you mostly trade in? EquityFuturesOptions
Which Market do you trade in? NSE/BSE (Equity & Equity Derivatives)NSE/BSE (Index Derivatives)CurrencyCommodity
What is your Annualized Profit or Loss from Stock Market Trading/Investing?
What is your primary goal for taking this course?
--Select Option--Learn and Start my journey in Trading for an alternate passive incomeScaling my existing investmentsTransitioning into professional tradingManaging my high-value portfolio more effectively
What are your current challenges in trading/investing?
Have you invested in stock market learning before? If yes, please provide details.
How much are you willing to invest in your stock market education and growth?
--Select Option--Up to 1L1-2L2-3L3L+
If "Ride the Trend Elite" is right for you, are you willing to invest Rs. 1,11,000/- + GST in your learning to achieve an annual ROl of 50% or more? Yes,No
What specific questions or topics would you like to discuss in your 1-on-1 consultation?
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